Hi there, I'm Jennifer, creator of the Energy Dynamic Model (EDM) and the teacher for the online Programs. This page is to tell you a little bit about me and why I've spend most of my life unravelling the mystery of what we, as people, are here to do in this modern world.
So, here goes. I spent the early years of my life quite happily with my family but slowly started to see that there were many behaviours and rules around in society that to me, just didn't make sense. By the time I reached my teens I was scribbling down stick figures to try and work out exactly what people were feeling and doing. This fascination of mine drew me towards theatre and performing which I absolutely loved. However, I felt there was more to discover about life and people so I went to Polytechnic and ended up with BSc and MA degrees in Analytical and Critical Economics. These courses taught me that the economic systems of the world were in fact a man made created construct and weren't actually set in stone so to speak. After this I worked in the mental health and disability arena and I discovered that the services provided to these people and how they were being helped was, again, to me, not focussing on the true potential of us as human beings.
So I decided to work out what was going on by studying how people did actually function and why / how they were being affected by our modern society construct. I set up my own business and for ten years worked privately with business people, millionaires, drug addicts, families, corporate companies and children and in 2009 I finished my own research. I then spent 10 more years writing two books with my completed findings in them, making the EDM Power Towers and then setting up this online Academy in 2017. After experimenting with all these online and physical resources, I decided to put them all together to create an incredible value for money program to teach people exactly how they can and need to 'work' in order to have the best life they possibly can. Providing an alternative psychology for these time, the EDM Programs consist of live online classes combined with the online courses. For business owners, young people, individuals who want to explore their meaning / purpose and mission in this world, and creatives, this program is an excellent way to make the most of your ability to thrive in the world today. The first Beginners class is free so please do come along and experience this for yourself! To find out more please click here.
In 2021, after the very sad passing of my partner in June, I decided to put on TalkPlus shows, and making / designing Mini EDM Conceptual and Learning Power Towers. These are excellent to have in your bedroom or peaceful place where you can use them to contemplate / remember your 'who you are' and what you need to be to keep real and human.
Then in 2022 / 2023, the I Can Tower was designed and the I C Me Tower, for children and young people. Both these sculptures are a game changing move forward and I would love you to look at the rest of the site to find out more.
And in 2024, the new book 'The Complete Works of the Energy Dynamic Model 1975 - 2024' was published, and the 'Get Sorted' program was introduced into HMP Stoke Heath. Prisoners started to make the Towers, and the new Energy Dynamic Model Academy's were born...first one in Chinnor.....
Any questions, please just email.