Contract for Energy Dynamic Model Academy Students
1) Jennifer works as a self-employed person when training students. The company Energy Dynamic Model Ltd is owned by Jennifer and is set up to train individual students and Energy Dynamic Model Respected Professionals.
2) The Energy Dynamic model is an intuitive way of understanding how people work. It is NOT therapy or accredited by an outside organisation as defined in the UK but has testimonials and peer reviews from qualified and respected professionals.
3) The students / RPs are responsible for their own actions and Jennifer Foster and / or the company Energy Dynamic Model Ltd are not liable for any consequence whatsoever from any decision the student / RP makes or any negative effect the student experiences after the sessions. Jennifer will offer guidance and ideas and it is up to the student to make the best decision they can.
4) Anything the student / trainee tells Jennifer is treated as confidential unless they tell her they will hurt themselves or someone else. If this occurs Jennifer will inform the student that she will inform an appropriate person to safeguard the student.
5) Jennifer will store personal information about students / trainees for the shortest time possible before she makes a paper copy and files it in a secure place.
6) Anyone can use the Energy Dynamic Model for private / personal use. However, if this model is to be used by any sort of business, permission must be requested from Jennifer Foster. This will be allowed if the student agrees to become a Respected Professional. Any resources made by Jennifer Foster MUST NOT be used without this permission. The books are copyrighted materials and the EDM Power Tower is registered as intellectual property and must be treated as such.
7) The Power Tower must be checked for safety as instructed in the Power Tower training course before it is used as a learning tool by the RPs. Any mishaps or accidents created by the use of the Power Tower is the responsibility of the professional using it, and not Energy Dynamic Model Ltd.
8) Any repairs or issues with the Power Towers must be reported to Jennifer ASAP and you will receive a replacement Power Tower once the original one has been sent back. Postage for this is the responsibility of the professional, not Energy Dynamic Model Ltd
9) All the resources such as books, ‘Sticks’ and EDM Power Towers must be purchased from Energy Dynamic Model Ltd
10) The EDM Power Tower is an art sculpture to be used by Respected Professionals and their clients to look at and hold. It is not a toy or and must be respected as such. Only to be given to people over 18.
11) Respected Professionals are trained to help their clients understand themselves by using the EDM resources. They are not qualified to train other people to use the EDM in their businesses and all persons who wish to become a Respected Professional must be trained by a member of staff from this company.
12) The students in the Energy Dynamic Model Academy, by enrolling on the courses or taking the quiz, are opting into receiving weekly emails with links to blogs, videos and news that they may find of interest. To stop receiving these or to leave the Academy, the student must email Jennifer on and their data will be taken off the database.